Results for 'Jo Ellen Carpenter'

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  1.  21
    Managed Care and the Evolution of Patient Rights.Robin T. Byerly, Jo Ellen Carpenter & Judith Davis - 2001 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 3 (2):58-67.
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    Stigma and Settling Up: An Integrated Approach to the Consequences of Organizational Misconduct for Organizational Elites.Jo-Ellen Pozner - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (1):141-150.
    In this article, I address the question of the apportionment of the consequences of organizational misconduct to individual members of the organizational elite. I argue that this process can be best understood by marrying the behavioral aspects of stigma theory to the economic mechanisms of ex post settling up. Viewed in conjunction with stigmatization, ex post settling up following organizational misconduct can be seen as the result of attempts to avoid stigma by association. Efforts at stigma avoidance on the parts (...)
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    Shine a Light: How Firm Responses to Announcing Earnings Restatements Changed After Sarbanes–Oxley.Jo-Ellen Pozner, Aharon Mohliver & Celia Moore - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (2):427-443.
    We explore how the Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002 created pressure for firms to take more visible and costly corrective action following the announcement of an earnings restatement. Building on theory about focusing events, the institutional effects of legislative change, and the agenda-setting role of the media, we propose that Sarbanes–Oxley created reactive normative pressure on firms that announce earnings restatements, increasing the likelihood of CEO replacement in their aftermath. We theorize that Sarbanes–Oxley changed the meaning—and therefore the impact—of media coverage (...)
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    “The Lot of Gifted Ladies Is Hard”: A Study of Harriet Taylor Mill Criticism.Jo Ellen Jacobs - 1994 - Hypatia 9 (3):132-162.
    The question, “Why has Harriet Taylor MM appeared in the history of philosophy as she has?” has several answers. The answers intertwine the personality and polities of Harriet, the sexism of those who wrote of her, misunderstandings of the means and meaning of her collaboration with John Stuart Mill, and the disturbing challenge of her questioning.
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    Music Education in Theory and Practice. [REVIEW]Jo Ellen Jacobs - 1993 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 27 (1):122.
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    The Complete Works of Harriet Taylor Mill.Jo Ellen Jacobs (ed.) - 1998 - Indiana University Press.
    For 170 years, Harriet Taylor Mill has been presented as a footnote in John Stuart Mill’s life. This volume gives her a separate voice. Readers may assess for themselves the importance and influence of her ideas on "women’s" issues such as marriage and divorce, education, domestic violence, and suffrage. And they will note the overlap of her ideas on ethics, religion, arts, and socialism, written in the 1830s, with her more famous husband’s works, published 25 years later.
  7.  28
    Identifying Musical Works of Art.Jo Ellen Jacobs - 1990 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 24 (4):75.
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    Why ChatGPT Means Communication Ethics Problems for Bioethics.Andrew J. Barnhart, Jo Ellen M. Barnhart & Kris Dierickx - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (10):80-82.
    In his article, “What should ChatGPT mean for bioethics?” I. Glenn Cohen explores the bioethical implications of Open AI’s chatbot ChatGPT and the use of similar Large Language Models (LLMs) (Cohen...
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    (1 other version)An Unconventional History of Western Philosophy: Conversations Between Men and Women Philosophers.Therese Boos Dykeman, Eve Browning, Judith Chelius Stark, Jane Duran, Marilyn Fischer, Lois Frankel, Edward Fullbrook, Jo Ellen Jacobs, Vicki Harper, Joy Laine, Kate Lindemann, Elizabeth Minnich, Andrea Nye, Margaret Simons, Audun Solli, Catherine Villanueva Gardner, Mary Ellen Waithe, Karen J. Warren & Henry West (eds.) - 2008 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This is a unique, groundbreaking study in the history of philosophy, combining leading men and women philosophers across 2600 years of Western philosophy, covering key foundational topics, including epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics. Introductory essays, primary source readings, and commentaries comprise each chapter to offer a rich and accessible introduction to and evaluation of these vital philosophical contributions. A helpful appendix canvasses an extraordinary number of women philosophers throughout history for further discovery and study.
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    Positive feelings facilitate working memory and complex decision making among older adults.Stephanie M. Carpenter, Ellen Peters, Daniel Västfjäll & Alice M. Isen - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (1):184-192.
    The impact of induced mild positive feelings on working memory and complex decision making among older adults (aged 63–85) was examined. Participants completed a computer administered card task in which participants could win money if they chose from “gain” decks and lose money if they chose from “loss” decks. Individuals in the positive-feeling condition chose better than neutral-feeling participants and earned more money overall. Participants in the positive-feeling condition also demonstrated improved working-memory capacity. These effects of positive-feeling induction have implications (...)
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    Canberra Times Fun Run.Dave Ward Fletcher, Jo Clay, Sue-Ellen Keir & Siobhan Mackay - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Negative Influence of Motor Impairments on Upper Limb Movement Patterns in Children with Unilateral Cerebral Palsy. A Statistical Parametric Mapping Study.Cristina Simon-Martinez, Ellen Jaspers, Lisa Mailleux, Kaat Desloovere, Jos Vanrenterghem, Els Ortibus, Guy Molenaers, Hilde Feys & Katrijn Klingels - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  13.  46
    Jo Ellen Jacobs, The Complete Works of Harriet Taylor Mill; Jo Ellen Jacobs, The Voice of Harriet Taylor Mill.R. Manning - 2006 - Utilitas 18 (3):317-321.
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    Book Review: The Mating Game: How Gender Still Shapes How We Date by Ellen Lamont. [REVIEW]Laura M. Carpenter - 2021 - Gender and Society 35 (3):509-512.
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  15. Jo Ellen Jacobs, The Complete Works of Harriet Taylor Mill , pp. xxxv + 587 Jo Ellen Jacobs, The Voice of Harriet Taylor Mill , pp. xxi + 270. [REVIEW]Rita Manning - 2006 - Utilitas 18 (3):317.
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  16. Jo Ellen Jacobs, The Voice of Harriet Taylor Mill. [REVIEW]Annabelle Lever - 2004 - Philosophy in Review 24:118-119.
  17.  63
    Time's Pendulum: The Quest to Capture Time–From Sundials to Atomic Clocks, by Jo Ellen Barnett. [REVIEW]Patricia Fara - 1999 - Isis 90 (2):343-344.
  18.  37
    Hypatia's Daughters: Fifteen Hundred Years of Women Philosophers (review).Sue M. Weinberg - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (1):164-165.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Hypatia’s Daughters: Fifteen Hundred Years of Women Philosophers ed. by Linda Lopez McAllisterSue M. WeinbergLinda Lopez McAllister, editor. Hypatia’s Daughters: Fifteen Hundred Years of Women Philosophers. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1996. Pp. xiv + 345. Cloth, $49.95. Paper, $22.50.Hypatia: born in the fourth century A.D.: philosopher, mathematician, astronomer, teacher; brutally murdered in Alexandria in 415 A.D—whether for holding religious views regarded as heretical or because she (...)
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  19. Beauty Unlimited.Peg Zeglin Brand (ed.) - 2013 - Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
    Emphasizing the human body in all of its forms, Beauty Unlimited expands the boundaries of what is meant by beauty both geographically and aesthetically. Peg Zeglin Brand and an international group of contributors interrogate the body and the meaning of physical beauty in this multidisciplinary volume. This striking and provocative book explores the history of bodily beautification; the physicality of socially or culturally determined choices of beautification; the interplay of gender, race, class, age, sexuality, and ethnicity within and on the (...)
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  20.  55
    Ethics Consultation in U.S. Hospitals: A National Follow-Up Study.Ellen Fox, Marion Danis, Anita J. Tarzian & Christopher C. Duke - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (4):5-18.
    A 1999–2000 national study of U.S. hospitals raised concerns about ethics consultation (EC) practices and catalyzed improvement efforts. To assess how practices have changed since 2000, we administered a 105-item survey to “best informants” in a stratified random sample of 600 U.S. general hospitals. This primary article details the methods for the entire study, then focuses on the 16 items from the prior study. Compared with 2000, the estimated number of case consultations performed annually rose by 94% to 68,000. The (...)
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  21.  42
    (2 other versions)Ethics Consultation in U.S. Hospitals: Opinions of Ethics Practitioners.Ellen Fox, Anita J. Tarzian, Marion Danis & Christopher C. Duke - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (4):19-30.
    To design effective strategies to improve ethics consultation (EC) practices, it is important to understand the views of ethics practitioners. Previous U.S. studies of ethics practitioners have overrepresented the views of academic bioethicists. To help inform EC improvement efforts, we surveyed a random stratified sample of U.S. hospitals, examining ethics practitioners’ opinions on EC in general, on their own EC service, on strategies to improve EC, and on ASBH practice standards. Respondents across all categories of hospitals had very positive perceptions (...)
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  22.  35
    Ethics Consultation in U.S. Hospitals: Determinants of Consultation Volume.Ellen Fox & Christopher C. Duke - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (4):31-37.
    The annual volume of ethics consultations (ECs) has been a topic of interest in the bioethics literature, in part because of its presumed relationship to quality. To better understand factors associated with EC volume, we used multiple linear regression to model the number of case consultations performed in the last year based on a national survey. We found that hospital bed size, academic affiliation, and urban/rural location were all associated with EC volume, but were not the primary drivers. Instead, these (...)
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  23.  40
    Mindfulness increases recall of self-threatening information.Jo Saunders, Kali Barawi & Louise McHugh - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (4):1375-1383.
  24.  38
    Sentence comprehension: A psycholinguistic processing model of verification.Patricia A. Carpenter & Marcel A. Just - 1975 - Psychological Review 82 (1):45-73.
  25.  5
    Intuicja i rzeczywistość: poglądy gnoseologiczne Mikołaja Łosskiego.Józef Pawlak - 1996 - Toruń: Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu.
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    System pedagogiczny Johna Dewey'a.Józef Pieter - 1946 - Katowice: Wydawn. Instytutu Pedagogicznego w Katowicach.
  27.  42
    From Alien to Guest: A Philosophical Scrutiny of the Bush Administration’s “Guest Worker” Initiative.Jo-ann Pilardi - 2006 - Radical Philosophy Today 2006:81-99.
    This paper examines the Bush Administration’s immigration “reform” initiative of January 2004, which proposes a guest worker category to further regulate the continuing immigration of workers into the United States. The plan is particularly intended to affect the flow of workers from Mexico. I will argue that this doesn’t represent an improvement but rather creates a deeper level of alienation for the laborer and greater control for global capital, and results in another layer of control over human subjects through the (...)
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    Addressing labour exploitation in the data science pipeline: views of precarious US-based crowdworkers on adversarial and co-operative interventions.Jo Bates, Elli Gerakopoulou & Alessandro Checco - 2023 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 21 (3):342-357.
    Purpose Underlying much recent development in data science and artificial intelligence (AI) is a dependence on the labour of precarious crowdworkers via platforms such as Amazon Mechanical Turk. These platforms have been widely critiqued for their exploitative labour relations, and over recent years, there have been various efforts by academic researchers to develop interventions aimed at improving labour conditions. The aim of this paper is to explore US-based crowdworkers’ views on two proposed interventions: a browser plugin that detects automated quality (...)
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  29.  56
    Components of Executive Control with Advantages for Bilingual Children in Two Cultures.Ellen Bialystok & Mythili Viswanathan - 2009 - Cognition 112 (3):494.
  30. Biographical research as a method of enquiry into health.Jo Lebeer - 1993 - In Robert Lafaille & Stephen Fulder (eds.), Towards a new science of health. New York: Routledge. pp. 160.
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  31.  44
    Impossible “Choices”: The Inherent Harms of Regulating Women’s Testosterone in Sport.Katrina Karkazis & Morgan Carpenter - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (4):579-587.
    In April 2018, the International Association of Athletics Federations released new regulations placing a ceiling on women athletes’ natural testosterone levels to “ensure fair and meaningful competition.” The regulations revise previous ones with the same intent. They require women with higher natural levels of testosterone and androgen sensitivity who compete in a set of “restricted” events to lower their testosterone levels to below a designated threshold. If they do not lower their testosterone, women may compete in the male category, in (...)
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  32. The readiness potential reflects intentional binding.Han-Gue Jo, Marc Wittmann, Thilo Hinterberger & Stefan Schmidt - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  33. Zur Epistemologie des Wunders : Swinburne versus Hume.Jörg Disse - 2019 - In Ulrich L. Lehner & Ronald K. Tacelli (eds.), Wort Und Wahrheit: Fragen der Erkenntnistheorie. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
  34.  85
    Ethics and Disclosure: A Study of the Financial Performance of Firms in the Seasoned Equity Offerings Market.Hoje Jo & Yongtae Kim - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (4):855-878.
    In this article, we examine the association between ethics and disclosure and the impact of this association on the long-term, post-issue performance of seasoned equity offerings (SEOs). We argue that firms with extensive disclosure are less likely to face information problems, and more likely to lead to an active shareholder monitoring, and therefore, engage in fewer unethical activities, such as aggressive earnings manipulation, and have better long-term, post-issue performance. Consistent with these predictions, this study presents evidence that disclosure is negatively (...)
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  35. Pleasure as Genesis in Plato’s Philebus.Amber D. Carpenter - 2011 - Ancient Philosophy 31 (1):73-94.
    Socrates’ claim that pleasure is a γένεσις unifies the Philebus’ conception of pleasure. Close examination of the passage reveals an emphasis on metaphysical-normative dependency in γένεσις. Seeds for such an emphasis were sown in the dialogue’s earlier discussion of μεικτά, thus linking the γένεσις claim to Philebus’ description of pleasure as ἄπειρον. False pleasures illustrate the radical dependency of pleasure on outside determinants. I end tying together the Philebus’ three descriptions of pleasure: restoration, indefinite, and γένεσις.
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  36. John Dewey: The Later Works, 1925-1953 Volume 7: 1932, Ethics.Jo Ann Boydston, Abraham Edel & Elizabeth Flower - 1987 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 23 (1):135-144.
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  37. John Dewey, The Later Works, 1925-1953 Volume 11: 1935-37.Jo Ann Boydston & John Mcdermott - 1989 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 25 (1):65-69.
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  38. John Dewey: The Later Works, 1925-1953.Jo Ann Boydston - 1991 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 27 (2):250-256.
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  39. (1 other version)The Middle Works of John Dewey, Volume 15, 1899 - 1924: 1923-1924, Essays on Politics and Society.Jo Ann Boydston (ed.) - 1983 - Southern Illinois University Press.
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    The writings of John Dewey, 1967.Jo Ann Boydston - 1968 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 6 (1):116.
  41. Why a palliative care approach within mental health.Jo Cooper & David B. Cooper - 2018 - In David B. Cooper & Jo Cooper (eds.), Palliative care within mental health. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    A Study on the Change though about ParkSeDang' LaoZhuang commentaries.Jo MinHwan - 2010 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 33:279-304.
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  43. Courage as a cardinal virtue : a philosophical profile.Jörn Muller - 2019 - In Bernhard Koch (ed.), Chivalrous Combatants? The Meaning of Military Virtue Past and Present. Münster: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
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    Skill, Nonpropositional Thought, and the Cognitive Penetrability of Perception.Ellen R. Fridland - 2015 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 46 (1):105-120.
    In the current literature, discussions of cognitive penetrability focus largely either on interpreting empirical evidence in ways that is relevant to the question of modularity :343–391, 1999; Wu Philos Stud 165:647–669, 2012; Macpherson Philos Phenomenol Res, 84:24–62, 2012) or in offering epistemological considerations regarding which properties are represented in perception :519–540, 2009, Noûs 46:201–222, 2011; Prinz Perceptual experience, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp 434–460, 2006). In contrast to these debates, in this paper, I explore conceptual issues regarding how we ought (...)
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  45.  21
    Distance Concentration in High-Dimensional fMRI Datasets: Possible Analysis Implications.Etzel Jo & Braver Todd - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  46. Hālumata-darśana: Śaiva-Vaiṣṇava sampradāyagaḷa hinnele.ŚaṃBā Jōśi - 1997 - Hampi, Vidyāraṇya: Prasārāṅga, Kannaḍa Viśvavidyālaya.
    Research papers, chiefly on ancient Indic philosophy, and a few on Indian civilization.
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    Mathematical Explanation in Practice.Ellen Lehet - 2021 - Axiomathes 31 (5):553-574.
    The connection between understanding and explanation has recently been of interest to philosophers. Inglis and Mejía-Ramos (Synthese, 2019) propose that within mathematics, we should accept a functional account of explanation that characterizes explanations as those things that produce understanding. In this paper, I start with the assumption that this view of mathematical explanation is correct and consider what we can consequently learn about mathematical explanation. I argue that this view of explanation suggests that we should shift the question of explanation (...)
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  48.  15
    Comment: Measuring Guilty and Grateful Behaviors in Children and Adults.Jo-Ann Tsang - 2020 - Emotion Review 12 (4):274-276.
    This comment explores the use of behavioral measures in the developmental study of guilt and gratitude reviewed by Vaish and Hepach. Although the use of behavioral measures in developmental...
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  49.  20
    Conceptual limitations in comprehending line graphs.Priti Shah & Patricia A. Carpenter - 1995 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 124 (1):43.
  50.  21
    The capacity theory of comprehension: New frontiers of evidence and arguments.Marcel Adam Just, Patricia A. Carpenter & Timothy A. Keller - 1996 - Psychological Review 103 (4):773-780.
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